Receive a Coupon for a Free Electric Furnace/AC or Heat Pump Tune-up
Income-qualified Idaho Power customers in Idaho who heat with an electric furnace or heat pump can receive a coupon good for one FREE tune-up, plus other energy-saving products!
- Step 1: Get a coupon by calling your local Community Action Partnership (CAP) agency.
- Elmore, Ada and Owyhee counties: 208-322-1242
- Payette, Valley, Adams, Gem, Boise, Canyon and Washington counties: 1-888-900-7361, option 1
- Bannock, Power, Bingham, Onieda counties and Fort Hall: 208-232-1114, option 1
- Twin Falls, Jerome, Gooding, Blaine, Lincoln, Camas, Minidoka and Cassia counties: 208-736-0676
- Lemhi County: 208-756-3999
- Step 2: Select a contractor from a list provided on the coupon, and call to schedule your tune-up.
- Step 3: Learn how to change furnace filters and other ways to save energy in your home.
- Step 4: Contact your local CAP agency for information about a satisfaction survey.
Looking for other ways to save energy at home? See how much energy you use and ways to save by signing up for My Account.
Note: Program continuation, eligibility requirements and terms and conditions apply.